
It's My Life! Project

We think its vital to invest in the young people in our area to help improve their health now and give them skills to help them stay that way.

Our Network’s Dieticians and Health & Wellbeing Coaches have been working with the University of Huddersfield and two local schools, King James and the Netherhall Learning  Campus to  provide a variety of fun activities.

The sessions are totally free and are delivered by  members of our team, University staff and students as an after-school session once a week.

Activities have so far included; cookery classes, DJ classes,  Street Dance, Mad Science, Jewellery Making and Self Defence.


Photo of two pizzas made by students

Mondays at the Museum

When? From 6th June—every Monday 11am – 3pm

Where? The Tolson Museum

Cost? FREE

We recognise that during the pandemic people have become more isolated and may have lost their confidence in attending activities they used to enjoy.

The aim of this project is to deliver community activities, inspired by and linked to Tolson museum, to improve health, wellbeing and connections for local people.  This will;

  • Provide a day each week where local people can  access free advice, activities and social interaction
  • Support individuals to have greater personal control over their health and wellbeing
  • Reduce social isolation and improve community connections, particularly since Covid.
  • Encourage local people to visit Tolson museum and the park
  • Work with the local  community to tailor the  scheme further

This is a 4-month, pilot collaboration between Tolson Museum, Tolson PCN Social Prescribing team, Huddersfield Lead Anchor (Local Services 2 You) and Tolson Local  Anchor (Huddersfield Mission) The September review report is available here Mondays at the Museum Report Sept 2022

stethoscope being held in the shape of a heart

Well Woman Clinics

We know life gets busy and things get in the way of our patients attending their health screening appointments. Thats why our PCN Nurse, Yana, has arranged a pilot of Well Woman Clinics held in each surgery in our PCN.

At these clinics, patients who are overdue their cervical screening can attend for an NHS Health Check to check on their cardiovascular health and then see the Nurse to have a supportive discussion about any cancer screening due.

So far this has been a great success and helped many patients who have been understandably nervous about cancer screening have time to discuss their concerns and get advice and support to have the screening tests.

We hope to share some figures at the end of the pilot scheme and secure further funding for more of these excellent clinics!

Diabetes Project in Partnership with Huddersfield Mission


Recently the Huddersfield Mission’s Community & Health team partnered with the Tolson PCN to deliver a package of community interventions to support local people with Type 2 Diabetes and those who are pre-diabetic. 


Diabetes is a health priority for the Tolson PCN area and there is an identified gap in community-led support.


The aims of the project were:

  • To facilitate community support in Tolson; helping local people to live well with Type 2 Diabetes (including pre-diabetes)
  • Improve access to diabetes support for populations who face disadvantage and language barrier


The Delivery plan was designed using an asset-based community development approach

  • Stage 1: Community consultation and engagement
  • Stage 2: Co-production and facilitation
  • Stage 3: Delivery
  • Stage 4: Sustainability and evaluation


To read the full document and evaluation of the successful project click here.

community champions good news story