Patient Voice
Whilst each of our eight practices has their own patient feedback forum, we see the importance of seeking patient viewpoints about the activities of the PCN as this affects a larger area and other services that were not previously available from the GP surgery. As we have PCN services being hosted at multiple practices in the area so need to gather a wider pool of patient feedback rather than patients only giving feedback to their practice about their services. Because the PCN is a relatively new concept, and the range of services we are able to provide and skilled staff we are able to employ increases each year of the programme, we will want to gather our patients viewpoints about our priorities, the accessibility (how easy it is to talk to) and quality of our PCN-provided services.
Our next Patient Viewpoint Group meeting is Friday 6th September 2024 at 2pm on Teams. If you would like to be involved in giving us your feedback on our services or attend our patient group meeting, please complete the comments section below or email our comms lead,
We'd love to hear from you if you've had an appointment with one of our extended roles or extended hours clinics. Please use the link below to give us some feedback anonymously. FEEDBACK FORM
GP Patient Survey 2024
The results are in and we're delighted that patients in Tolson PCN have scored us as second in Huddersfield for overall experience - we're also rated 10th in the whole of West Yorkshire which is a great acheivement. Thank you to all of you who completed and sent in your GP survey earlier this year. if you'd like to check out your individual GP Practice results, you can do so here
Missed Appointments
We are concerned that our weekend hub clinics have a higher rate of patients not attending than our normal practice appointments. To find out why this is, since September, we have been sending patients who do not attend an appointment at the weekend a short survey to find out why. So far 30% of respondents say they forgot about their appointment to tackle this we are working with our system provider to send extra reminder text messages to patients who have weekend appointments.

Patient Feedback for December 2024
We've been gathering feedback from patients who've used our services in December and a whopping 100% would recommend our services to others.
Thank you if you have taken a moment to give us feedback on the link we sent you.
If you are sent one in the future, please do let us know what you think. If you have more detailed feedback to give, please email
The more feedback we can get the more we know where we are doing well and where we could make improvements.
To read the full report from January 2025 please click here

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